Who is Nicole ?
Nicole, 38 jaar → Free Spirit
I am Nicole, an energetic & powerful, spiritual & grounded person. I work as a Holistic Lifestyle Coach. I coach people to stand more in their own power, increase self-confidence, clean up their lifestyle and limiting patterns. So that you too, like me, can live in freedom / abundance / magic / inner strength and from love.
My methods
My method is focused on an all-round approach to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual systems. With raising your awareness, practical and theoretical valuable knowledge from 10 years of training and experience, I let you see that healing your own patterns, lifestyle, choices and behaviour is entirely in your own creative power.
My life's journey
I have been nice and active, intense and turbulent. That's why I've always been hugely drawn to adventure, growth and like to challenge myself. It also makes perfect sense that I went out on my own at age of 17, made my own way, travelled a lot, performed top sport (as a Muay Thai fighter) and i am a big networker and like to bring people together. I have also been called a 'walking community centre'. I rise to every challenge and I don't let anything get me down.
Ik geloof in ons zelfhelend vermogen en begeleid mensen op hun pad in het transformeren naar een hogere vibratie. Ik speel, dans en express mezelf vanuit een simpele en heldere taal, zodat mensen mij begrijpen en hierdoor 'zelfstandig' en autonoom mogen leren wat voor groei er op de leefstijl past die voor jou als individu resoneert en dit ook actiegericht gaat toepassen. Hier komt mijn enthousiasme en 'never give up' mentaliteit heel goed van pas 😉
My experience with energy, spiritual journeys, insights, knowledge and growth are completely aligned with my own inner compass. Outside my comfort zone, I learn where my boundaries lie and by staying close to myself, I consciously choose where I want to be. I embody everything I learn and experience and pass on this knowledge with love and enthusiasm. After all, I believe that we humans create our own reality. This involves responsibility and conscious awareness. I feel incredible grateful to be able to let people SHINE, so we can rise together.
Diplomas & Certificates
- HBO Bachelor of Social Work
Social Work & Services - Bootcamp instructor
- Muay Thai fighter PRO
- Pranic Healer (energywork from India):
1. Basic certification
2. Advanced certification
3. Psycho-therapy certification
4. Psychic Defense certification
5. Oneness with the higher soul - Thai Massage certificate
- Universal Energy (reiki) level 1+2
Experience as a guide & coach
- Social Worker: Youth care, youth worker, mental health care system, Salvation Army, Ambulatory coach at The Workmaster Care (A'dam), for the target group: at-risk youth and vulnerable women
- Defensibility Trainer With my own Pep&Punch program (mindful kickboxing classes) for Amsterdam municipality
- Expertcoach with its own program Pep&Punch for Break Year (gap year of coaching with the inner-journey for youngsters)
- PTSD after-care At 'Merk Hoe Sterk' (Brand How Strong) with my own guidance programs from Nicole Coaching
- Health Coach At Health Holidays in Turkey: teaching sports classes at juice detox retreats
- Holistic Lifestyle coach with Nicole Coaching's own programs teaching at schools and companies in the Netherlands
- Systemic worker both private and corporate: family / business constellations
- Truffle Ceremony Master Guide With the ceremonies at Nicole Coaching & as a professional trip-sitter at Psychedelic Insights
- Retreat organiser Be Balanced at Vlieland: 2016 & 2021 and in Ibiza 2022
- Holistic Health course training training day at the UMC hospital in Utrecht from Nicole Coaching
- Sisterhood / women circles Ceremonies with the new and full moon. An authentic Nicole Coaching program
In the Media:
Nicole Coaching is not sitting still and has had the opportunity to go on a huge number of magical journeys. Check it out! Below you can see insightful articles, blogs, videos, platforms, TV programs where Nicole Coaching's work is visible.